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The future looks bright for the fibre optic cable market, with Business Wire predicting a 12% compound annual growth rate by the year 2024. In this article, we take a look at the future trends driving the demand for fibre optic cable assemblies.
As the internet continues to grow at an exponential rate, so too does the demand for increased bandwidth. A vast amount of information is conveyed across the internet each day, with information forms such as multimedia and video on the rise. The result is a need for a communication infrastructure that can handle vast quantities of data and deliver this effectively on a global scale.
Fibre optic cables transmit information using light-based technology. Information is converted into a light pulse which is transmitted through a glass cable and received at the other end. Light can be transmitted at a far greater speed and frequency versus traditional copper cables and, as a result, fibre optic cables operate at a significantly higher bandwidth.
The use of light within fibre optic cables offers several security benefits compared to a traditional copper cable. This is part of the reason why they are increasingly favoured in today’s world, as there is a greater focus than ever before on protecting sensitive data.
Glass does not conduct electricity and, as a result, cannot be interfered with by an electrical current. This means it is almost impossible to intercept any data being transmitted. In addition, external factors such as lightning will not impact a fibre optic cable, minimising the risk of any data loss during extreme weather.
A much-discussed topic in recent years, 5G promises to revolutionise the communications industry by delivering complete digital connectivity. The deployment of a 5G network infrastructure is set to significantly advance VR and AR technology, as well as driverless automobiles and cloud computing. In addition, 5G transmitters may well replace Internet of Things hubs which are currently built to operate alongside Wi-Fi routers.
In order to achieve a true 5G revolution, fibre optic cables are essential. 5G is based on a small cell model that brings connectivity closer to the end-user. This small cell model requires a crucial fibre optic cable backbone in order to deliver a cohesive internet experience.
As fibre optic technology has advanced, a number of use cases have been identified across a wide variety of industries. The medical industry has traditionally utilised fibre optics for illumination, image transfer and laser signal delivery. Looking to the future, an increasing number of applications have the potential to become available – for example, a new technology which could expedite the healing of wounds and tumour treatment.
In the Aerospace sector, fibre optics are increasingly looked to as the solution for increasing connectivity on commercial flights. The use of fibre optics will enable improvements to in-flight entertainment and passenger Wi-Fi without interfering with or compromising the complex electrical data systems in place on aircrafts.
Fibre optic cables offer significantly greater bandwidth potential, speed and security versus their copper counterpart. As technology develops and an increasing number of applications are found, there is no doubt that the fibre optic cable market will continue to grow. With 5G an ever-growing reality, a strong foundation in fibre optics is essential for its success.
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